Step-by-Step - Practice Problems for BC Calculus
Now you can give complete free-response problems starting
the first week of school (and all 53 of them are absolutely free!)

Does this describe you?
. You teach BC Calculus out of a
textbook, but like to use
supplementary sources.
. You try to give your students as
much practice as possible to
prepare them for the rigors
of the AP® exam.
. You are frustrated trying to find problems to address your students' current skills because, despite the great wealth of sample exam questions available, most problems encompass the entire course rather than focus on individual topics.
If the above is true, you are not alone! It is difficult to find calculus problems that are relevant to the early topics in the course rather than ones that are global to the entire course. Many questions involve infinite series, months before you even introduce the topic of series.
So you are forced to say to the students: "Here is an actual problem from an old AP exam with 5 parts: a, b, c, d, e. Just do parts a and b." There is a very limited number of released problems that, for example, test students only on their ability to use L'Hopital's rule for finding limits without involving improper integrals. Early in the course, you want to give the students the experience of taking a full 9-point question and you cannot do so until much later in the course.
BC Step-by-Step remedies that situation. Similar to the AB version of Step-by-Step, this material is divided into 17 topics, based on the typical order that material is taught in BC Calculus. Those topics are further reduced into 7 months, from September to March, that places these topics loosely into the months that the material is typically taught. In this collection of 53 problems, available FREE OF CHARGE, you can test students on any topic using the standard 9-point structure without having to address topics that come later in the course. For example, you can give a problem that focuses on "Integration by Parts" without being concerned about "improper integrals" which is typically taught later in the course.
To get an in-depth idea of what Step-by-Step offers, I recommend you download our Step-by-Step Overview. This PDF file will outline all the topics and describe what each problem addresses.
Best of all, the student version of these 53 problems is ABSOLUTELY FREE. No strings attached. You will find the links to download all 7-months of problems at the bottom of this page.
Detailed Step-by-Step solutions are available for purchase. The solutions are inserted directly under the problem sections so that you can see both the problem and solution at the same time. When you purchase the solutions, you may either download them (approximately 11 MB split into 6 PDF files) or have them mailed to you on a flash drive or paper format. The flash drive format (recommended) contains the student versions so you don't have to download them.
Practice Problems |
Solutions |
w/ Problems and Solutions
Flash Drive*
w/ Problems and Solutions |
BC Solutions
(see links below)
$54.95 +$6.00 shipping
$51.95 +$7.50 shipping
CLICK HERE to see all purchase options in our Price List
* Paper version is for those who would rather not download and print
Paper version and Flash Drive orders will be mailed within 1 to 2 days
Cover Page |
Download Free
(304 KB)
Suggestions on how to use Step-by-Step
Download Free
(368 KB)
Problem Analysis
Definitely download this. It analyzes every problem,
tells you what concept(s) each emphasizes, gives you an
idea about difficulty and whether calculators are allowed.
Download Free
(236 KB)
Sample Problem and Solution
This uses one of the problems from the collection and gives you an idea of what the grading rubric looks like.
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(264 KB)
Student Version - Month 1: 7 Problems
L'Hopital's Rule and Integration by Parts
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(736 KB)
Student Version - Month 2: 7 Problems
Integration w/Partial Fractions, Improper Integrals
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(400 KB)
Student Version - Month 3: 7 Problems
Euler's Method, Logistic Growth
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(704 KB)
Student Version - Month 4: 7 Problems
Arc Length, Parametric Functions
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(1444 KB)
Student Version - Month 5: 7 Problems
Vector Functions, Polar Curves
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(756 KB)
Student Version - Month 6: 7 Problems
Taylor Polynomials, Error Bounds
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(700 KB)
Student Version - Month 7: 10 Problems
Infinite Series - Convergence tests/intervals, Geometric,
Harmonic Series, Series using e and trig, Alternating series, Conditional and Absolute convergence - NEW
Manipulation of series
Download Free
(768 KB)
Practice Problems |
Solutions |
w/ Problems and Solutions
Flash Drive*
w/ Problems and Solutions |
BC Solutions
(see links above)
$54.95 +$6.00 shipping
$51.95 +$7.50 shipping
CLICK HERE to see all purchase options in our Price List
* Paper version is for those who would rather not download and print
Paper version and Flash Drive orders will be mailed within 1 to 2 days
We will accept purchase orders. Secure a P.O. from your school, complete the information as to what you wish to order, and email us and we will give you instructions for where to send it. Upon receipt, we will immediately send you your material.
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