Demystifying the BC Calculus
Free Response Exam (Revised)



The story is always the same: A teacher has covered the entire AP® Calculus BC curriculum and feels good that he or she has addressed the entire gamut of problem types.  Yet, when the students look at the actual free-response questions in the exam, they wonder "when was that taught?" and "did we ever do a problem like that?" Frequently, these students are befuddled, especially when they haven't spent a lot of time reviewing past AP released exams.


With that concept in mind, this guide will cover a good many topics that research has shown to have been part of most Advanced Placement Calculus BC free-response questions in the past 25 years. I first look at them as separate entities, and then quickly see how they are incorporated into an actual AP test type problem. Finally, several of these topics are put together to mimic what students will see in the actual AP® Calculus BC Exam.  Best of all, it is all FREE!


Using this 43-page manual, students will become skilled at the types of problems that typically have been on AP® Calculus BC Exams for the past 25 years. There are 87 examples, most having subparts and are similar to AP® free response problems. Students will learn to recognize the multifaceted nature of complex problems and how to approach the challenge.


There is a great deal of attention paid to Taylor polynomials and series as well as power series. The dreaded Lagrange error (where there are so few textbook examples) is covered so students will not be afraid of seeing them in the real exam. This guide will provide an in-depth level of understanding so that students do not spend time in the actual AP® Exam scratching their heads!




This material includes the limit comparison test, absolute and conditional convergence and error bounds, which are new to the 2017 AP exam. 




You may download any or all of the material below FREE OF CHARGE. There are only 3 downloads that are a total of about 5 megs in size. Room is provided for students to write in answers.



Purchase Options Download




Purchase Demystifying the

BC Calculus Free Response Exam -
Solution Manual!



+$6 shipping


Purchase Demystifying the

BC Calculus Free Response Exam - Student Manual

(does not include solutions)


(See links listed below)

+$6 shipping

To purchase other combinations or options at a DISCOUNTED PRICE:


  • AB Free Response (FR) and Multiple Choice (MC) combination
  • AB & BC Calculus FR & MC combination
  • or to order a Flash Drive with your materials


Please see our full price list.  Click here.



    * Paper version is for those who would rather not download and print

       - Paper version and flash drive orders will be mailed within 1 to 2 days






Opening Pages

File: DemystBCFROpeningPages.pdf 


A. Limits - L'Hospital's Rule

B. Integration by Parts

C. Integration using Partial Fractions

D. Improper Integrals

E. Euler's Method

F. Logistic Curves

G. Arc Length

H. Parametric Equations

I. Vector Functions

File: DemystBCFRStudA-I.pdf 


J. Polar Curves

K. Taylor Polynomial Approximations

L. Error Bounds

M. Series Convergence

N. Taylor Series

O. Functions defined by Power Series

P. Manipulation of Series

File: DemystBCFRStudJ-P.pdf 





Purchase Options Download




Purchase Demystifying the

BC Calculus Free Response Exam -
Solution Manual!



+$6 shipping


Purchase Demystifying the

BC Calculus Free Response Exam - Student Manual

(does not include solutions)


(See links listed below)

+$6 shipping

To purchase other combinations or options at a DISCOUNTED PRICE:


  • AB Free Response (FR) and Multiple Choice (MC) combination
  • AB & BC Calculus FR & MC combination
  • or to order a Flash Drive with your materials


Please see our full price list.  Click here.



    * Paper version is for those who would rather not download and print

       - Paper version and flash drive orders will be mailed within 1 to 2 days






We will accept purchase orders. Secure a P.O. from your school, complete the information as to what you wish to order, and email us and we will give you instructions for where to send it. Upon receipt, we will immediately send you your material.


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