Multivariable Calculus Course


A number of teachers have asked me about materials for Multivariable Calculus. Some are in the position I was in 5 years ago, teaching this material to bright Seniors who took BC Calculus as Juniors and wanted more math for their senior year. I developed a course, created notes, and now, feel the need to help those teachers who, like me, haven't seen this material in over 30 years.


In these course materials there are class notes with solutions, practice exams and actual exams. Most important, there are many graphic files to show the complex 3-D surfaces and vectors.  If you have a Mac,  these will be animated as well. Students have told me repeatedly that these graphics bring the course alive.



Purchase the Multivariable Calc Course
with Answer Key!
(on a flash drive) 
  Only $199.95
+$7.50 shipping



These materials are only offered on a flash drive because of the large graphic files.


If you need to develop a multivariable calculus course, this material will walk you through it in a very comprehensive manner.



The materials below include a full description and some sample files to give a much better understanding of what is included on the flash drive.


Full Description Click here to view a full description of the Multivariable Calculus Course materials that are included on the flash drive
Sample Manual This is a sample of the student manual without solutions.
Sample Solutions This provides a sample of the teacher's manual with solutions.
Sample Exam Solutions This is a sample Exam including the Exam solutions.
Grapher Sample This is a sample of an interactive illustration.  These illustrations can only be viewed on a MAC.  For non-MAC users, each of the illustrations has been converted into a still image.  This particular Grapher Sample is the same as the image shown in the Full Description above.



Purchase the Multivariable Calc Course
with Answer Key!
(on a flash drive) 
  Only $199.95
+$7.50 shipping


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