Test Your Strength - ACT®

Give students a full breakdown of their strengths and weaknesses

as they prepare for the ACT®Mathematics Exam


Download Solutions Flashdrive Solutions

ACT® Test Your Strength


(Solutions & grading spreadsheet

download version)





Test Your Strength


(Solutions & grading spreadsheet

for both exams download version)



SAT® & ACT® Test Your Strength


(Solutions & grading spreadsheet

for both exams flashdrive version -

Includes SAT® Clue game)


+$7.50 shipping



Does one of these fit you?

  • You are teaching an ACT® Math Review course and need to identify the areas where your students need help.


  • You are a student preparing for the ACT® Math Exam and have no idea how to begin preparation for the exam.


Test Your Strength is a practice test intended to ascertain the areas of strength and weakness for each student in all areas in which the ACT® math exam focuses.  This multiple choice exam is intended for students to take at home. If you are a teacher, students email the answers to you (or bring in an answer sheet) and, using an included Excel spreadsheet, the exam is instantly graded.  If you are a student, you take the exam and input your answers to the included Excel spreadsheet, and you get your results immediately.


In addition, a form is inmmediately generated that provides a detailed analysis of every ACT® math skill and how well the student understands it. The analysis is further broken down to the different sections of the exam, whether it is a word problem or pure math, and whether a calculator and/or a graph chart is needed.All of this is done to give a snapshot of the students' mathematical knowledge as they begin to prepare for the ACT®'s.


Test Your Strength is a diagnostic tool. The exam has 72 multiple-choice questions, 42 of which do not allow the use of calculators. It covers all aspects of the current ACT math topics in proportion to their importance on the ACT exam.  For instance, an important topic like polynomials, factors, and rational expressions is covered multiple times while a less important topic like complex numbers is covered fewer times. By keeping track of how many questions a student answers correctly within each topic, a table is constructed containing all the important topics within ACT® Math and how the student performs in each.  The table is constructed instantly upon input of the 72 answers and a teacher can grade an entire class in just 15 minutes.


This is not intended to be a practice ACT® exam. It is a diagnostic tool to aid students in those vital  months before they actually sit for the ACT® exam.


Teachers may wish to get information out to counselors in their schools or teachers who have classes in ACT® preparation. Feel free to use the link and print out a flyer that has all the important information about this new app.


Test Your Strength Info Flyer


Note that we also have an SAT® version of Test Your Strength. While both share a number of the same problems, there are distinct differences between the exams which are detailed in the flyer above.


The student version of Test Your Strength ACT® (test only) is free and the links are below.


       Free downloads of student version


Student Version - 72 questions - PDF

Download Free

3.7 meg

Answer Sheet - PDF

Download Free

Answer Sheet - Microsoft Excel

(will be downloaded into your download folder

based on preferences in your browser)

Download Free


The solution version of ACT Test Your Strength (detailed solutions of each problem along with the Excel template) is now available. The price is $21.95. You can also get both the ACT version and the SAT version as a download or on a flash drive.


Download Solutions Flashdrive Solutions

ACT® Test Your Strength


(Solutions & grading spreadsheet

download version)





Test Your Strength


(Solutions & grading spreadsheet

for both exams download version)



SAT® & ACT® Test Your Strength


(Solutions & grading spreadsheet

for both exams flashdrive version -

Includes SAT Clue game)


+$7.50 shipping



Note: While Excel is required to run the grading application, it is not included. You must purchase Excel separately. It is included within Microsoft Office.




We will accept purchase orders. Secure a P.O. from your school, complete the information as to what you wish to order, and email us and we will give you instructions for where to send it. Upon receipt, we will immediately send you your material.


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