Coping with COVID-19 ... Free Materials for Preparing for the Revised AP Exams




The coronavirus, COVID19, wrought havoc on our everyday lives. Despite that, education continued in one form or another, and even though the AP exams in 2020 had been radically diminished in scope and length, they still occurred  Maybe that was a good thing as it allowed students to realize that the future is still going to happen for them and to create a bit of normalcy. Concerning themselves with derivatives and standard deviations took their minds off being stuck inside.  2021 brought its own set of challenges with hybid learning, in-home learning, and sporadic in-class learning. The 2021 AP exam was pretty much the same as it was in the past.


Because of those reasons, I had put together a wealth of free materials that teachers and students can use.  And even though things are back to pretty much the way they were before, the materials are still valid and helpful. Click on the link to have full explanations and to download material.


AP Calculus


      Created in 2020



  • True/False exams in AB (60 questions) and BC (50 questions) with grading spreadsheets. These are problems that students should be able to answer very quickly, determining whether they understand the basics.


      Created in 2021


  • Super Free-Response questions. These questions are similar to the typical free response questions that appear in AP exams but have many more subparts, testing just about every concept conceivable.