Purchase Recommendations for Teachers


We have put some solution packages together to fit your special needs at a reduced price. Read through the descriptions and click on any links to get more information about any of the materials offered. All packages are offered in either download or flash drive version.  You can pay through Paypal whether you have an account with Paypal or not (using a regular credit card).



For new teachers to AB or BC Calculus


You are a new teacher to AP Calculus, AB or BC. You may be a veteran teacher who never taught the course or you may be relatively fresh out of college. You have no idea what teaching this course entails.  You need a guide.



Teaching Manual (AB / BC)             Exams (AB / BC)



 AP Exam Review              Demystifying the AP Exam 

 (AB / BC)                          MC (AB / BC)   FR (AB / BC)



4 AP Exams                     Test Your Strength        Clue Game

(AB / BC)                           (AB / BC)                    (AB / BC)


                New AP Calculus Teachers Solution Packages

  Download Flash Drive (includes student versions)
AB $259.95
+$7.50 shipping
BC $239.95
+$7.50 shipping


Purchase both the AB version and BC version in either download or flash drive

and get a refund of 10% off the total price.


Download version costs $449.91 rather than $499.90, a savings of $49.99

Flash drive version costs $476.91 (plus $7 shipping) rather than $529.90, a savings of $52.99


For teachers who want to raise student grades in the AP exam.


You feel that you do a good job in teaching the basic material but your students flounder on the AP exam. You realize that the exam is more than just taking derivatives and integrals and you want some material that you can use to help kids get acquainted on the types of questions that are asked on the AP exam from the very first day and a good solid review of the course.




 AP Exam Review              Demystifying the AP Exam 

 (AB / BC)                          MC (AB / BC)   FR (AB / BC)



4 AP Exams                     Test Your Strength        Step by Step

(AB / BC)                           (AB / BC)                    (AB / BC)



 Diving In                                          Calculus Conundrums

 (AB / BC)                                               (AB / BC)


                             AP Exam Prep Solution Packages

  Download Flash Drive (includes student versions)
AB $199.95
+$7.50 shipping
BC $159.95
+$7.50 shipping


Purchase both the AB version and BC version in either download or flash drive

and get a refund of 10% off the total price.


Download version costs 323.91 rather than $359.90, a savings of $35.99

Flash drive version costs $350.91 (plus $7 shipping) rather than $389.90, a savings of $38.99

For teachers who want to invoke a little fun into the course while reviewing for the AP exam.


Whether it through games or activities, you want some materials that still cover the exam material but do it in a light-hearted such a way.  These inexpensive packages are perfect.




   Clue                      Jeopardy                  Across & Down

(AB / BC)                (AB / BC)                    (AB only)




Calculus Acrostic       Nuclear Containment Escape Room

(AB / BC)                    



                             AP Activities Solution Packages

  Download Flash Drive (includes student versions)
AB $99.95
+$7.50 shipping
BC $69.95
+$7.50 shipping


Purchase both the AB version and BC version in either download or flash drive

and get a refund of 10% off the total price.


Download version costs $152.91 rather than $169.90, a savings of $16.99

Flash drive version costs $179.91 (plus $7 shipping) rather than $199.90, a savings of $19.99


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